Back to School
And we're off! The oldest is in high school. After a week of marching band camp, she was able to conquer anything...even a new locker at a new (to her) school.
What? You mean I have to move classrooms, have the right supplies, AND open my locker?! Gah! It was a rough transition to middle school, but after three short days the reports went from "it's horrible!" to "it will be ok". Hooray for kids who are flexible and able to tackle challenges!
And, lastly, miss "I'm so excited to go back to school" had a wonderful time with one of our family's favorite teachers and her classmates. Her favorite thing so far about 3rd grade is that they are already starting to learn cursive!
Very cute pictures!!! Thanks for sharing the first day of school. We know they we do well.
By Michigan Madsens, at 10:50 AM
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