ATE Kids

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Elena has gotten to the point where she has started dancing, especially with her older brother and sister. Alia has the capability of turning around almost indefinately (makes me sick just to watch her). Elena is working on that, too.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Alia finally learned how to ride a bicycle without training wheels! After several months of heart-ache and pain, we finally went to the Web looking for better ideas for teaching bike riding than the dad-run-behind-and-crash method. We found a site that suggested lowering the seat all the way down and removing the pedals. So we did that two weeks ago. Alia scooted around and learned how to balance on the bicycle without crashing or pain. She pushed herself going and learned the easy way how to balance and steer. Yesterday I saw her coast down the driveway without touching her feet down (it is a lot easier to do without the pedals attached) and suggested reattaching the pedals. We did it (to her complaints) and off she went, riding the bike flawlessly on the very first try. Hurray for good suggestions from the web!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

We are coming back from a couple of weeks recovering from temple trips and family visits. But here are some new pictures. Alia and Tanner both got hair cuts yesterday. Elena didn't but was still cute.