ATE Kids

Friday, July 23, 2010

These pictures are from a few days ago. It was hot and humid and we had just mowed the lawn. Out came the kiddie pool and on went the swim suits.

Alia discovered a little frog hopping in the grass and caught it. But guess who wanted to hold it, and hold it, and hold it!

Yup! Elena!

She let it go and recaputred it multiple times. She even let it go in the pool. Eventually, she let it go free!


We celebrated Alia's 10th birthday with a trip to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. One of her best friends went with us and we each had a buddy to stay close to while we explored.

Happy Birthday, Beautiful!


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Thursday, July 01, 2010

This green part of dinner was brought to you courtesy of our garden (and a friend who provided the seeds)! I'm not a big fan of fresh green beans--I'm still learning how to cook them. Usually, I under cook them....I think they got a bit over done this night...But they were yummy! -Jessica
