ATE Kids

Monday, June 28, 2010

Ah, summer! Elena is pretending to be sick--pretending her arm is broken and she needs to stay at the doctor's.

Tanner is taking a break from studying bionicle building instructions (online) and is playing some lego star wars on the wii.

:) We like summer!

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sometimes I don't have to ask what my children have been doing to occupy their time. Sometimes the answer is as plain as the nose on their face.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

We played a game from Highlights Magazine today.

Cut a piece of 8.5" x 11" paper in half to make two long, thin strips. Cut one thin strip per person playing.

Start by drawing a head and neck. Fold the paper so that only the neck shows. Pass the papers clockwise. Next draw a torso on the paper. Fold it over so only the waist shows. Pass the papers clockwise again. Draw the thighs & knees. Fold the paper so only the knees show. Pass the papers clockwise. Then draw the calves and feet.

Open the papers and see what you've created!

Tanner was extra creative. He made an alien. If you folded each of the drawings so that only his additions showed, they made his alien! Too Cool!

I'm particularly fond of my chicken feet! :)

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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Here are some photos from our recent visit to Michigan.

Tanner & Grammy and green monkey. These two were being very silly at this moment!

I caught this photo of Tanner while he rested from chasing the cat, Chase. He really wanted to set a cat trap, but we didn't get the furniture moved out of the front room to free it up!

Tanner & Elena were trying to keep Chase, the cat, in the didn't work too well!

Grammy played games with Tanner & Elena while work progressed on the kitchen floor.

And, here they are, hard at work! The new floor is a laminate that looks like stone. It's beautiful!

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