ATE Kids

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Guess what! This is a picture of Martin and the kids on our property! We discussed various property names over lunch. Alia liked something fun and silly like the "tweet-tweet" place. We tried more serious variants like "The Sycamores". So far, none of the names have stuck, and we are still calling it "the property".

We walked much of the land today, following deer trials. Here's proof:

At one point we startled two deer and they went bounding off to the south--I caught a glimpse of a tail jumping over the tall weeds as the animals hurried away.

Here's a photo looking back towards the road and our neighbors (there are two houses--a brown one on the right and hidden behind the green-ish tree on the left is another.) This is about the middle of the property.

Our neighbor in the brown house is the "helper" in Tanner's kindergarten class. We were excited to discover we will be neighbors!

On the south there are berry brambles. The previous owner said they are raspberries. There are small trees here and there on the land. Some of them we will try and keep.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Elena and I spent an hour making her "leaf bath" and "leaf castle". If you were to ask her about it, she would make a point of telling you about her "garden" too, but we didn't make that part!

Leaf "bubbles" are great!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Hobbit Dad took out panther Alia (she made her own tail! :), Pink Bunny Elena, and Darth Maul Tanner out trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. When they got back they all helped give out candy. Elena really liked giving out the candy!! :)

They brought home a wonderful haul of candy...chocolate candy...Yum!

Halloween! We carved pumpkins on Monday night. The orange pumpkin is from the store. The other three (plus three we didn't use and one that already rotted) were from our garden. Check out the green hue on some of these. I wonder if they cross-pollinated with the watermelon or cantaloupe!

Check out the "action" shot at the end. Only Alia was brave enough to do the "ewey, goey cleaning part."

Pre-Halloween fun:
Tanner's lightsaber in action.