ATE Kids

Friday, February 17, 2012

Artist of the Week

 Tanner was selected as "Artist of the Week" at his elementary school.  The piece on display is an Indian style weaving.  I took in the camera when I went to help with spelling tests and got a photo for posterity.--Good work, Tanner!


 Tanner had a birthday! 

Check out the smile on the cake.  Check out the smile on the boy!

We love you, Tanner!

Solo & Ensemble

Alia performed with a trumpet ensemble last Saturday at "Solo & Ensemble".  Martin took her and said she did great.  Her group earned the top award for their performance. (The performances aren't graded in comparison with other groups, it is just an evaluation of the individual's or single group's performance.)  Congratulations, Alia!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Art Display

Elena made a house in art at the beginning of kindergarten.  It took a while for it to get to come home because it made a detour was part of an art display at the public library!

I got to see it in the library.  It looked great there!  I loved all the detail she put into the piece.  The windows have people in them and there is a tree and a stone walk.Out front is a cat--our Heart Kitty. 

Since the house came home it has had some artistic modification.  Tanner was added to the front doorway, the bark of the tree was decorated, and a garage was added at the back of the house.  It is fun to see the things the kids make!