ATE Kids

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Rocks & House Update

 The girls spent the morning at my uncles' collecting river rocks from his backyard.  They had their pant legs rolled up and looked like beach combers!  It's a beautiful collection of rocks.
And here's an update on the new addition at the house.  The roof is almost all on; rain gutters and rain barrels are on (after this picture was taken) and most of the plants are have been re-planted around the house.

Step by step we are making progress!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


 The roof trusses are up as well as the roof decking and the ice/rain shield.  The roof metal has been delivered.  In theory it should go up tomorrow.

Each day progress is being made.  Each day I see changes.  Each day I work at being patient because the little, almost invisible stuff is as important as the big "show me" stuff.
Here's the exterior.  Wrapped, roof deck on, windows in.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Amazing Fish

 That's Elena on the rope swing.  She amazed me the other day.  She went on the swing.  She let go of the rope in the middle of the deep end.  She rolled onto her back and calmly backstroked her way to the edge so she could swing again!  Way to go Elena!

Here are the two fish waiting (not so patiently--how much longer now, mom?) for lessons to start!

And here is Tanner on the left and his instructor Andrew on the right.  They made some sort of deal that if Tanner went off the high board without a floatie or a noodle then he would get to play during the entire class on Friday.  This picture is a jump with the noodle, but guess who jumped in without a noodle!  Yep!  Way to go Tanner!