ATE Kids

Monday, November 30, 2009

My "little artist" was given an easel and spent some time coloring with Dad. He drew the outline of the cat and she colored it in....very, very carefully!


Three post-Thanksgiving pictures:

Two "helpers" at the ladder.

One amazing helper with the lamp post she wrapped!

Two monkeys at the field (that's dry goldenrod surrounding them). We all went out to mark our little trees now that they have grown a bit. It was great to see how comfortable the kids were at the field this year! They were pointing out deer tracks and scat, among other things!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I know how the leopard changed his spots.

He played on the asphalt heap with his little sister. She threw asphalt in his hair. Mom didn't notice until the next day.

Guess what stains skin brown? Yup. Asphalt!

(Sorry for the lack of a good photo....I tried, but was unsuccessful at focusing on the lovely brown spots on my boy's head!)

Come to think about it, they look a bit like liver spots....Maybe he's just getting old! ;)
