ATE Kids

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

The Tale of Ten Peeps


Once upon a time, a child went grocery shopping with her father.  "Daddy, can we get some of these?", she asked.  "Hmm" thought the father.  "Those are peeps.  Those peeps are marshmallow goodness for treat, but also marshmallow goodness for experimentation."  "Ok", said the father.

And that is how ten yellow marshmallow chicks of the brand called "Peeps" came to our house this week.

They didn't last long.  The first five chicks felt the enamel of sharp teeth.  Granted, one of them only suffered minor wounds from the teeth (Tanner doesn't care for marshmallows), but it soon was dunked in a vat of acid and then heated until it melted!

Melted puddle of a peep.
Children observing the melting process.
The second five chicks met with similarly disastrous ends.  One got heated in a vat of water (we had to compare and see if it was heat that caused the first one to melt or the acid)--it melted.  One got roasted over an open fire.  Two met sharp teeth.  And one, first bloated, then collapsed after exposure to radiation (good ole microwave).  Alas.  Thus ends the tale of the ten peeps.

Peep ready for radiation.
Deflated, defunct post-radiation peep.
tee hee!